Why choose dnc

The Private Investigations industry is flooded by former South African Police Services members who offers investigative services.  Just a short list of things they fail to tell their potential clients 


  1. They never did any investigations work in the SAPS. – Being a member of the SAPS does not mean that you are an investigator. The SAPS consists of many units, with only a handful of them being involved in investigations. Your private investigator may have been the logistics clerk of a unit, or prepared the meals in the staff canteen.
  2. They are not registered with the governing body of the industry. – The Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) requires of all private investigators to be registered. Proving services unregistered is a criminal offence and anyone engaging the services of unregistered companies/individuals is also committing an offence. – Ask for proof of registration before you engage. 
  3. The illegally obtained documents (Cellphone records, bank statements, etc…) they had to buy from their police connection is not worth the paper it is printed on in a court of law. – Anything illegally obtained is illegal, regardless of the information contained in it. 
  4. The kamikaze-style obtained confession they got the suspect to make will not stand up in a court of law. – Everyone (including suspects in an investigation) has rights, and unless they are afforded the opportunity to exercise their rights, nothing they say or do (under undue pressure) can be used against them. 

Why DNC Investigations 

  1. Level 1 BBBEE
  2. 100% Black Owned
  3. Registered with PSIRA
  4. Registered with the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
  5. ONLY former SAPS officials with a proven track record in investigations